
Useful facts and smart tips to help you on your way to a more sustainable lifestyle.

5 tips om je plasticafval te halveren

5 tips to halve your plastic waste

Do you make a 'walk of shame' to the PMD container every day with a box full of empty packaging? Don't worry, you're not the only one. On average, we...

After use: wat te doen met jouw lege fles Marcel’s Green Soap?

After use: what to do with your empty bottle of...

Waarom is plastic duurzaam?

Can plastic be sustainable?

Onze groene zeepmissie: wat maakt Marcel’s Green Soap duurzaam?

Our green soap mission: what makes Marcel's Gre...

Natuurlijk versus duurzaam: wat is het verschil?

Natural vs. Sustainable: What's the Difference?

Voor de verandering: 3x goed nieuws over ons plasticgebruik

For a change: 3x good news about our plastic use

Zo worden onze flessen van gerecycled plastic gemaakt

This is how our bottles are made from recycled ...

Marcel’s Green Soap & World Animal Protection Tegen De Plasticsoep

Marcel's Green Soap & World Animal Protection A...

Gerecyclede versus recyclebare verpakkingen: wat is het verschil?

Recycled vs. Recyclable Packaging: What's the D...