Cleaning Wipes

Marcel’s hygiene wipes not only clean your hands or home but also help keep our planet clean! Made from biodegradable plant fibers and easy to carry so you can clean your hands or home anytime, anywhere.

3 products

Cleaning Wipes

Marcels hygienic wipes are made from plant fibres and with 99% natural ingredients. That feels a lot nicer than plastic wipes right? Also nice: we have them for your home as well as for your hands. The latter also comes in a handy carry-on size. So throw it in your bag!

Hygienic wipes are real jack-of-all-trades: wet wipes that you can use for cleaning almost anything! There are hygienic wipes for cleaning your bathroom, kitchen, table and other surfaces. But there are also hygienic hand wipes, especially for cleaning your hands. Ideal for during that picnic in the park. Or for on the road in the car, the train or that long flight. We told you. Jack-of-all-trades.

Our hygienic wipes are made of viscose, a plant-based and renewable material. Like wood and bamboo, for example. Now that's cleaning with the power of nature!

With Marcel's Green Soap Hygienic wipes, you choose one of the sustainable options. Will you join us?

You can throw our hygienic wipes in the residual waste after use. This is because the hygienic wipes made of plant material, do not dissolve quickly enough to avoid a nuisance in nature or a blockage in the sewer.