
Useful facts and smart tips to help you on your way to a more sustainable lifestyle.

5 tips om je plasticafval te halveren

5 tips to halve your plastic waste

Do you make a 'walk of shame' to the PMD container every day with a box full of empty packaging? Don't worry, you're not the only one. On average, we...

Marcel’s Green Soap’s duurzaamheidsdoelen voor 2025

Marcel's Green Soap's sustainability goals for ...

De Groene Week van Marcel: alles over refillen

Marcel's Green Week: all about refilling

Onze groene zeepmissie: wat maakt Marcel’s Green Soap duurzaam?

Our green soap mission: what makes Marcel's Gre...

Marcel's Green Soap Refill-station bij Albert Heijn

Marcel's Green Soap Refill station at Albert Heijn

Thuis minder plastic gebruiken? Zo doe je dat

Want to use less plastic at home? This is how y...

Lekker duurzaam: Navulverpakkingen

Nice and sustainable: Refill packs