Allesreiniger Spray wordt bijgevuld met refill

Marcel's Green Week: all about refilling

This is how much plastic (and money) you can save per year

Yes, it is Marcel's Green Week! During this week we will pay extra attention to making your lifestyle more sustainable and you will receive a 30% discount* on everything in the soap shop. Because really, it is easier than you think! In this blog we will give you practical tips and tell you everything about refilling.


Practical tips for a more sustainable life

In addition to separating waste and saving energy and water, reducing your waste stream is an easy way to make your life more sustainable. You can do this by taking a reusable bag to the supermarket and doing as much packaging-free shopping as possible (more and more supermarkets offer a packaging-free concept where you can tap your own pasta, nuts, sprinkles, etc.). However, packaging is unavoidable for some products, in which case choose recyclable and/or recycled packaging (and throw them away separately after use). Another way to reduce your waste stream (and save freight traffic) is refilling. It may take some getting used to, but before you know it, refilling will be part of your daily routine. To help you out, we'll show you how easy it is below.

The art of refilling

  1. Shop (if you don't already have it) for a bottle of hand soap, shower gel, all-purpose cleaner, dishwashing liquid or detergent and add a refill at the same time, so you always have enough stock and you save on freight traffic.
Tip! With our value bundles your pantry is immediately well stocked. And during Marcel's Green Week you will also receive a 30% discount!
  1. Empty bottle? Refill it! Unscrew the cap of the bottle, put the spout of the bag in the bottle opening and pour the bag empty. This makes spilling almost impossible.

Tip! You can also use our hand soap refills to refill your own (stone) soap pumps.


This is how much plastic you save each year

Our motto: don't talk, just refill. Yes, and clean of course! You reduce your waste stream, save freight traffic and reduce the production of plastic. Plus: it saves you money! We'll do the math for you.

Suppose you do the laundry five times a week. Then you can use a bottle of Marcel's Green Soap detergent (23 washes per bottle) for about five weeks. On an annual basis, you will need 10 bottles - or rather: refills. Per detergent refill, you save at least 56% plastic compared to a new bottle. A new bottle consists of 45 grams of plastic, a refill of 24 grams. So you save 210 grams of plastic waste annually. In addition, you save about €1.50 per refill compared to a new bottle. That is €15 per year. Okay, that is not exactly a goldmine, but if you also use refills for your shower gel, all-purpose cleaner, hand soap and dishwashing liquid, you can save a few tens of euros per year. Nice bonus, right? And more importantly: it is a good step towards a more sustainable life.

Tips for reducing your waste stream

  1. Take fresh produce bags and a reusable bag with you to the supermarket
  2. Take a reusable coffee cup with you for on the go
  3. Shop packaging-free as much as possible
  4. Choose recycled and recyclable packaging
  5. Separate your waste
  6. Make use of refills


*The discount is valid from November 25 to December 1, 2024.

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