
Useful facts and smart tips to help you on your way to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Marcel’s Green Soap’s duurzaamheidsdoelen voor 2025

Marcel's Green Soap's sustainability goals for ...

We're on a mission! With our soapies we want to make a sustainable lifestyle accessible and attractive to everyone. In 2025 we will continue our sustainable soap mission. These are...

Onze groene zeepmissie: wat maakt Marcel’s Green Soap duurzaam?

Our green soap mission: what makes Marcel's Gre...

Microplasticvrije merken maken kleine letters groot

Microplastic-free brands make small letters large

Natuurlijk versus duurzaam: wat is het verschil?

Natural vs. Sustainable: What's the Difference?

Microplastics vermijden: wat kun je zelf doen?

Avoiding microplastics: what can you do?

Zero plastic inside

Zero plastic inside our soaps