10 tips om thuis water te besparen

10 tips to save water at home

Showering, washing dishes, watering the garden, washing clothes, brushing teeth... An average family uses about five hundred liters of clean drinking water every day. 500! Marcel's Green Soap shows you that things can be done differently, because by making small adjustments to your daily routine you can save hundreds of liters of water per year. How? You can read that here:

1. Use a shower timer

We understand; There's nothing better than daydreaming in the shower. But before you know it you're under it for ten minutes. And one minute of showering is approximately eight liters of drinking water. Do the math! So make it a sport to take as short a shower as possible and use a shower timer or hourglass.

2. Opt for bars instead of bottles

Did you know that an average bottle of liquid shampoo consists of eighty percent water? While our shampoo, conditioner and body bars contain hardly any water. Less water is also used in the production of the bars. An additional advantage: the bars are completely plastic-free. Another reason to make the switch to Marcel's Green Soap bars!

3. Taking the dirty laundry in the bath

Nice, a warm bath, but it is not really economical. Because a bathing session requires about 120 liters of pure drinking water. And it also needs to be heated! But we also understand that it is sometimes nice to take a relaxing bath in the cold weather. For example, take your dirty laundry with you in the bath. That saves water again!

4. Get into the shower together

By showering together you save hundreds of liters per year. And it's fun too!

5. Turn off the tap in between

Every drop counts, so turn off the tap when you brush your teeth or soap your hair or hands.

6. Use eco-friendly resources

The impending drinking water shortage in the Netherlands is not only due to the dry summers and increasing demand, but also because the water is becoming increasingly polluted. This is partly due to the aggressive chemicals that we flush down the drain. Marcel's Green Soap cleaning & care products are at least 97% biodegradable, which means they have minimal impact on the environment.

7. Collect shower water

Does it take a while for your shower to heat up and do you have cold feet? Then collect the water in buckets or a large tub. You can use this collected drinking water to flush your toilet, water the plants or make tea.

8. An old-fashioned tub of soapy water

Don't leave the tap running when you wash the dishes by hand, but make an old-fashioned tub of soapy water. Do not first rinse the dishes that you put in the dishwasher under a running tap, but use kitchen paper or - even better - a knife to wipe food remains off the plate.

9. Is it full?

Perhaps logical, but still indispensable on this list: wait until they are full before turning on the dishwasher and washing machine. And use the eco mode of your machines to save water.

10. Use rainwater to water your garden

Watering the garden with a garden hose for fifteen minutes uses about a hundred liters of water. Therefore, place a rain barrel in your garden to spray the plants with rainwater. Good for the garden, better for the environment.

Sources: PWN, Weer.nl, Waternet, Milieu Centraal

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