Wat zijn jouw Groene Voornemens?

What are your Green Resolutions?

A green, healthy and happy 2024, who wouldn't want that?! And that's why we made a list of 7 green resolutions with which you challenge the whole family to live more sustainably and save money. Win-win, for you and the planet.

Keeping good intentions is not always easy. We are often done with it after a month. It helps if you involve the whole family - or your group of friends - and offer a reward if you have kept up the resolutions throughout the year.

#1 Save energy and money

Saving energy is also a hot topic in 2024. Where we used to set the thermostat to 25 degrees without any embarrassment, we now think twice. A good sweater, woolen socks and a heating pad do wonders for your gas bill and the planet. Consider it a challenge to stay below 1200 cubic meters per year. Nowadays, many energy suppliers have an app in which you can keep track of your consumption. This way you save hundreds of euros per year! Extra tip: hang thick curtains on the windows and front door. Small investment, big effect.


Nothing is as relaxing as a long shower session, but that does mean wasting many liters of drinking water. Of course, sometimes people need it, but at all other times a quick shower is enough to feel fresh. Therefore, hang up a shower timer so that all family members can see how long they have left for their favorite one Marcel's Green Soap shower gel to rinse. Read other tips for saving water at home here.

The longer you keep these green resolutions, the more they become part of your daily routine, meaning there is no turning back. And the planet will be very grateful for that!


Did you know that we charge per person daily 7 packs open it? It is not surprising that 20% of our total waste consists of packaging. At the same time, this packaging does result in less food waste, so we cannot do without it. A good resolution for 2024: try to be more conscious about packaging:
  • Usage refill packs
  • Don't use plastic bags when you buy your fruit & vegetables in the supermarket. Preferably use a reusable bag;
  • Use a reusable water bottle and coffee-to-go cup;
  • Take your own bag to the supermarket.

Also important: give plastic packaging the chance of a second life by throwing them in the plastic waste.


Did the postal worker knock down your front door in 2023? Then it is a good intention to consume less in 2024: only buy what you really need, choose sustainable products and shop second-hand and/or locally as much as possible.
Extra tip: protect your own wallet by selling items that you no longer use.


Microplastics have a negative effect on the environment and our health. Therefore, choose microplastic-free products by 2024. Fortunately, these are increasingly offered in supermarkets and drugstores. Pssst… did you know that all Marcel's Green Soap products microplastic-free are?


Not only the household, but also your accounting can be greener! Choose a bank and insurer that has good intentions for people and the environment. Check the policy scores of various ones here banks and insurers .


Whether you have an electric car or drive a diesel - the bicycle is always a greener choice! Leave the car at home for short trips and enjoy a bike ride more often. Really, the outdoors makes you happy!

We wish you a happy, healthy and green 2024!

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