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What to do with hay fever? choose a sustainable solution!

It's March and we all feel that spring is coming. Delicious! At least... if you don't suffer from a pollen allergy. The hay fever season has also started and that means that the pollen is flying around your ears again. In fact, they even stick to your clothes, on your skin and in your hair throughout the day. How can you best protect yourself against those annoying pollens? We've got your back!


If you suffer from a pollen allergy, then one of the less pleasant times of the year has arrived for you: the start of the hay fever season. But don't panic, fortunately there are a lot of tips & tricks that can help you reduce the complaints. Because did you know that a lot of pollen sticks to your clothes, on your skin and in your hair during the day? Because you carry the pollen with you and, for example, rub your eyes with your hands, hay fever complaints become worse.

And that's where we come in! To prevent itchy eyes, sneezing fits and teary eyes (somewhat), Marcel's Green Soap products can come to your rescue. Below you can read what our products can do for you during the hay fever season:


If you go outside during the hay fever season, there is a good chance that the pollen will stick to your hands in no time. And if you haven't put on sunglasses (yes, this is also a tip), you will probably soon be plagued by itchy eyes. You guessed it: hands with pollen and itchy eyes don't go well together. And rubbing your eyes will only spread the pollen further. Not fun! Therefore, wash your hands extra often with hand soap during the hay fever season. And we say 'extra often' on purpose, because you don't have to worry about aggressive chemical ingredients. Marcel's ecological hand soap is gentle on your hands and the planet. Made from plant-based ingredients, at least 97% biodegradable, 100% vegan and the bottles are made from 100% recycled plastic. Washing your hands extra often is therefore no problem. Have you been out all day and don't have water at hand to wash your hands? Then use our 100% biodegradable hygienic hand wipes. Just throw this in your bag so you can wash your hands at any time.


When you get home at the end of the day, you probably don't want to know how much pollen is stuck to your clothes, skin and hair. So let's get out of those clothes and into the shower! Wash your body and hair thoroughly with our plastic-free shampoo & body bars . These are made from natural ingredients, sulfate-free, at least 97% biodegradable, 100% vegan and 100% plastic-free. So you don't have to worry about the impact on the environment if you have to wash more often during the hay fever season. We understand that you may not be used to washing your hair every day, but if you have a pollen allergy it can really help to wash your hair properly at the end of the day. Why? Because you'd rather not take that annoying pollen to bed with you! When you go to bed without showering and lie with your hair on your pillow, you rub your nose in the pollen. Not good! Washing your hair significantly reduces your exposure to allergens. This way you can definitely sleep better.


Yep, your clothes also work like a magnet for pollen. Therefore, do not wear your clothes more than once during a heavy peak. Wash your clothes as much as possible after being outside. Marcel is actually not a fan of washing very often, but it can be a good solution for anyone who suffers from hay fever during a peak moment in the hay fever season. Fortunately, our ecological detergent is made from the best natural ingredients and is at least 97% biodegradable. This way, not only your clothes become clean, but the world around you too! Oh, and once you've washed your clothes, don't hang the laundry outside. Otherwise the pollen will be right back in! It is also better to hang your laundry in a room in the house where no windows are open. Try to keep the pollen out in every possible way for the best results.


The best advice we can give you is to keep your house completely closed during the hay fever season. But we also understand that this is a bit difficult and that you like to open the doors and windows when the first sunny spring days arrive. Therefore, try to give your house a good cleaning more often than usual. Dust and rinse everything in the house thoroughly with our ecological all-purpose cleaner. This is based on natural soap, is packed with natural ingredients and is at least 97% biodegradable. In this way, together we strive for a clean house without destroying our planet.


That's it, Marcel's tips to (somewhat) prevent hay fever complaints this season. We hope that by applying these tips you will get through the hay fever season a lot more relaxed this year. And remember: Marcel's Green Soap products are always ready to join you in the fight against pollen. Shop them online or get the products at a sales point near you.

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