Wat is duurzamer: handafwas of vaatwasser?

What is more sustainable: hand washing or dishwasher?

We are all thinking more and more about making sustainable choices at home. We separate our waste, try to use less plastic and look for ways to make our household more sustainable little by little. Our dishwashing skills also have to be taken into account. Because what is actually better: old-fashioned hand washing or the dishwasher? Marcel explains.


The big battle has begun. Who will win the prize for most sustainable option? Well... if only it were that simple! Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not so black and white. Why? Because this is related to the quality of your dishwashing skills. Let's dig into that a little deeper.

Research by Milieu Centraal shows that if you put all the dishes in your dishwasher, you use 2 to 3 times as much energy per year than if you wash all the dishes by hand. Now you're probably thinking: isn't that the answer? But this is all a bit more complicated. Sometimes washing dishes by hand is actually worse for the environment. For example, if the water for your hand washing comes from an electric hot water appliance, you pre-rinse with plenty of hot water or wash dishes under the running tap. If this is the case, a dishwasher is better. How does that happen? The environmental impact of washing dishes is mainly due to heating the water: this requires gas or electricity. And we all know: the use of fossil fuels exacerbates climate change. The effects of water use and dishwasher or dishwashing liquid are relatively minor, but of course not unimportant.

Conclusion: old-fashioned hand washing is not so bad after all! Marcel also thinks old-fashioned hand washing is the best. Then you really feel in charge of the dirt. But after reading the text above, it might also be a good idea to take a closer look at your dishwashing skills. This way you can be sure that you are doing the dishes in the most economical way.


Are you, like Marcel, a fan of hand washing dishes and would you like to try to make your washing up time as economical as possible? Then Marcel has a few tips for you:

Use as little hot water as possible. For example, first rinse your dishes with a little cold water and then do the real work with fresh soapy warm water.
Always wash your dishes at the lowest possible temperature. The higher the temperature, the higher the energy consumption.
Do not wash your dishes under a running tap, but fill your sink or a bowl and only use the water that you have let run in it.
Do not use more detergent than necessary. You only need to add a little bit of dishwashing liquid to the water to get your dishes clean. For an average dish, a teaspoon is enough! Unless, of course, you do the dishes for the entire neighborhood.
Nice to know: if you really want to make a green choice, go for the tips above in combination with a solar boiler. Because the water is heated by the sun, you save a lot of energy. So super economical!

And finally: don't forget to enjoy doing the dishes a bit! Doing the dishes is the perfect time to get lost in thoughts after a busy day at work, listen to your favorite music or talk about the day with your dishwashing buddy. Oh, and don't forget a dash of our ecological dishwashing liquid. These are enriched with essential oils, so that washing dishes becomes (we almost dare not say it) a real 'scent experience'. And while you are absorbed by that intense experience, the skin of your hands is also cared for by the soft foam and enriching ingredients. Would washing dishes become the new spa experience after all?


Before you think that we completely disapprove of that dishwasher: we also understand our fellow human beings who seek convenience. That is why you will also find dishwasher tablets at Marcel's Green Soap. But full of natural ingredients and at least 97% biodegradable. Like all Marcel's Green Soap products, the dishwasher tablets do not contain dyes, parabens, phosphates, chlorine, ammonia or acids. The dishwasher tablets are packed in a soluble foil. This way you don't have to look for scissors with your wet hands to remove the plastic, and we also save a lot of plastic. The film dissolves during washing and leaves no plastic residue in the sewer. Fantastic, right? This way you can still use your dishwasher sustainably. But of course we can always do even better.


Yes really, even with a dishwasher you still have influence on how efficiently you do your dishes. If you want to use your dishwasher as economically as possible, read Marcel's tips below:

Wait until your dishwasher is completely full before running. This way you don't have to wear it as often. Make it a fun challenge to load your dishwasher as neatly as possible. Think of it as a game of Tetris ;-)
Perhaps a no-brainer, but set your dishwasher to the eco program. According to the Consumers' Association, this even saves you around €20 per year compared to the main program. Also good for your wallet. And if you have caked pans, first soak them in a small layer of water.
Do not rinse your dishes under a running tap first! Then you use twice as much water. Simply wipe the food residues off your plate and then your plates can go straight into the dishwasher. This way the filter will not clog and your dishes will be better cleaned, which in turn prevents unnecessary extra washing.
If you are about to purchase a new dishwasher, check carefully whether you choose an economical one. Preferably one with an energy label A+++, then you can be sure you are in the right place.


Whether you prefer to wash dishes by hand or put your dishwasher to work, with Marcel's Green Soap's ecological dishwashing liquid you make a sustainable choice. If you say yes to Marcel's ecological dishwashing liquid, you say no to petrochemicals, synthetic and aggressive chemicals. Marcel's ecological dishwashing liquid and dishwasher tablets are made from vegetable soaps and are therefore friendly to the environment, your home and your body. This way you don't have to worry about the mess you flush down the drain and your hands are even cared for by the soft foam while washing dishes by hand. Win-win if you ask us.

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