Green Soap Company Beste Onderneming van Noord-Holland

Green Soap Company Best Company in North Holland

Fantastic news! On May 25, 2022, Green Soap Company won during the North Holland business election the title 'Best Company in North Holland' in the SME Middle category. Tommy Tomato, Milieu Service Nederland, Drystack & Autogroep Ursem Barten also received prizes. Great to see that so many companies with a sustainable mission were on stage. Together we make the difference!

Business election North Holland 2022

The title 'Best Company in North Holland' is the recognition for entrepreneurship in the province. The North Holland Business Election is the largest Business Election in the Netherlands. The North Holland Business Election will take place for the fifteenth time in 2022. It is an important and widely supported initiative to express appreciation for companies in the province. After all, entrepreneurs are the driving force of the economy in North Holland.
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