A green Christmas with Marcel

A green Christmas with Marcel

It’s almost that time of the year again! A beautiful Christmas tree, cozy festive lighting, gifts for the whole family, and of course, a grand Christmas dinner with lots of delicious food on the table. It brings us joy, but it's not so great for the planet! Fortunately, you can celebrate the holidays in a sustainable way with just a few small adjustments. Marcel shares 5 tips for a green Christmas.


You may have never thought about it before, but using a Christmas tree for just one month and then tossing it out onto the street is quite environmentally damaging. It's estimated that around 2.5 million Christmas trees are sold and discarded in the Netherlands every year. That's a shame. So, opt for a truly green tree. For example, rent or adopt a Christmas tree with its roots - and have it replanted in nature after the holidays. You can do this with companies like BeterBoompje, who also plant 2 trees in the BeterBoompje Christmas Tree Forest for every tree sold.

Another option: leave those trees in the ground and choose an alternative Christmas tree. Consider a wooden tree (which you can use again in the following years) or decorating a houseplant. Be creative!


Yes, even in the choice of Christmas decorations, you can go green. LED lights, for example. It may seem obvious, but old Christmas lights are often not made with LED lighting. So, check this carefully and switch if necessary. And what about the decorations on the tree? Many Christmas enthusiasts hang a new theme in the tree every year, buying new baubles, tinsels, and other decorations each time. Not very sustainable, right? But we also understand that you want to change colors and atmosphere every once in a while. The best thing to do then is to check out thrift stores or make your own Christmas decorations from materials you have at home, like fabric or paper. It's also a fun activity just before the holidays!


Socks, candles, perfume, or a bottle of bubbly: a lot of unnecessary Christmas gifts are given during the holidays. By not buying trinkets but opting for a sustainable gift that someone will actually use, we can create a cleaner world together. Tip: surprise your loved ones, friends, colleagues, or family with a sustainable gift set from Marcel's Green Soap. That way, you're also giving a gift to the planet!

Marcel's extra tip: wrap your gifts in a sustainable way too! For example, use pages from an old magazine to wrap small gifts. Larger gifts can be wrapped in a piece of fabric. This method of wrapping is very popular in Japan and is called 'Furoshiki'. There are many online videos about this art of wrapping. Get inspired!


This year, don't put a turkey or venison steak on the table, but cook with seasonal vegetables, shop at a farm shop, and buy ingredients that are not packaged in plastic. And how about a completely vegetarian and vegan menu this year? Almost all dishes can be veganized with a few small adjustments! Also very important: don't make more than necessary. This prevents food waste.


Admit it... you're guilty too: showing up to the Christmas dinner every year in a new Christmas outfit. Fun for you, less fun for the planet. Because did you know that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries? And that's for an outfit you probably only wear during the holidays. Instead, opt for a second-hand outfit or borrow a Christmas outfit from a friend. Trust us, it feels much better!
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