Black friday?! Marcel's Green Week!

Black friday?! Marcel's Green Week!

It might sound strange, but Black Friday is the perfect moment to reflect on more conscious consumption. Because let's be honest, do all those bargains really make you happier?! Certainly not the planet. That's why we are organizing Marcel's Green Week from November 21st to 27th, 2022, where everything revolves around sustainable consumption. Here's what it's all about:

Marcel's Green Week

Buying, buying, buying. Actually, Black Friday is not really in line with the times anymore. At least, that's what we think. On this day, it's all about consumption, when in fact we should be cutting back. All those bargains tempt us to bring things into our homes that we don't actually need and are harmful to the environment. For this black shopping day, a lot of extra products are produced, which also have to be transported by plane, boat, or truck.

Fortunately, more and more companies are turning against this American concept. For example, Dille & Kamille will even close its doors and webshop on Black Friday this year. Other companies opt for Green Friday as a counter-reaction and to give extra attention to more conscious consumption. For example, by supporting green initiatives or by offering eco-friendly products at a discount. Because if we still want to buy, let's choose sustainable products.

At Marcel's Green Soap, it's not Black Friday, not Green Friday, but Marcel's Green Week. From November 21st to 27th, 2022, you have the chance to shop our eco-friendly detergents, cleaning products, and personal care products with a 25% discount. So you buy something that you really need, without extra burdening the environment.

5 Tips for more sustainable consumption

Tip #1. Shop consciously
Ask yourself the question for every purchase: do I really need it? Maybe not your favorite question, but it will save you a lot of clutter in your home, and by consuming more consciously, you reduce your footprint.

Tip #2. Go green
Sometimes you have to search, but there is almost always a sustainable or more sustainable alternative for every product. These are generally products made from organic, renewable, and/or recycled materials. This also applies to Marcel's Green Soap products. They are 100% vegan, at least 97% biodegradable, packaged without plastic or in recycled plastic, and palm oil-free wherever possible.

Tip #3. Choose quality
Cheap is often expensive in the long run and also extra burdensome for the environment. Therefore, choose quality. That cheap sweater may look fantastic on the hanger, but after wearing it three times, it might need to be discarded. And everything that ends up in the trash is a huge burden on the environment.

Tip #4. Buy second-hand
Before buying something new, check out the thrift store, Marktplaats, or Vinted to see if it's also available second-hand. Many (quality) items deserve a second life!

Tip #5. Borrow, share, or rent items
There are increasingly online "libraries" for renting, borrowing, or sharing things like baby items (e.g.,, cars (e.g.,, boats (e.g.,, clothing (e.g.,, and more. These sharing initiatives ensure optimal use of existing consumer goods, reducing the need for new products to be produced. Better for the environment and - not unimportant in these expensive times - your wallet.
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